6th Grade ELAR Course Syllabus
Week 1 Oral Language Development, Demonstrate Knowledge of Literary Genres
Week 2 Analyze Non-Linear and Linear Plot Development
Week 3 Analyze How Setting Influence Characters
Week 4 Analyze How Characters' Motivation and Behaviors Influence Events and Resolutions
Week 5 Identify and Analyze Points of View and Irony
Week 6 Analyze Development of Themes Using Characters and Events
Week 7 Analyze Graphical Elements in Poems
Week 8 Describe How Figurative Language Achieves Purposes
Week 9 Analyze How Author's Language Contributes to Mood, Voice, and Tone
Week 10 Explain Author's Purposes & Messages in Text, Analyze How Text Structures Contribute to Author's Purpose
Week 11 Making Inferences and Use Evidence to Support Understanding & Synthesize Information
Week 12&13 Analyze Characteristics and Structural Elements of Informational Texts
Week 14 Make, Correct, or Confirm Predictions about Texts
Week 15 Make Connections to Experiences, Texts and Society
Week 16 Paraphrase & Summarize Texts
Week 17 Evaluate Details to Determine Key Ideas
Week 18 Analyze How Playwrights Develop Dramatic Action
Week 19 Analyze How Playwrights Develop Dramatic Action, Make Inferences
Week 20 Explain Author's Purposes & Messages in Text, Analyze How Text Structures Contribute to Author's Purpose
Week 21 Analyze Characteristics and Structures of Argumentative Texts
Week 22 Analyze Characteristics and Structures of Argumentative Texts, Make Inferences, Rhetorical Devices & Logical Fallacies
Week 23 Use Resources to Determine Information about Words, Context to Clarify Word Meaning, Word Meaning from Greek and Latin Roots
Week 24 Use Resources to Determine Information about Words, Determine Word Meaning from Greek and Latin Roots
Week 25 Use Context to Clarify Word Meaning
Week 26 Analyze How Print and Graphic Features Achieve Purposes
Week 27&28 Paraphrase and Summarize Texts
Week 29-35 STAAR TESTING ----- Review TEKS
Week 36 STAAR Testing
Week 37&38 Fluency, Comprehension
Grading Procedures (Grades 6th -8th)
Computerized grade reports will be issued every 6 weeks. Progress reports shall be issued for all students after the third week of school. Teachers must assess student performance on a weekly basis through the grading of assignments and assessments. All grades should support the relative mastery of the content and the grade average assigned. Teachers must have a minimum of twelve (12) daily assignments and a minimum of four (4) assessments recorded per six weeks aside from the CBA assessments. Each grade must be a separate assignment. Each assignment must carry equal weight, along with each assessment, with the exception of the final exam.
The value of those grades must be assigned to the average of grades as shown below.
Averaging Grades Daily Grades……………………… 50%
Class Assignments Weekly Test/Unit Test…………… 50%
Pop Quizzes/Chapter Test/CBAs/ Research Paper/Projects 1st and 2nd Semester Grade Calculation 1 st Six Weeks…………………… 25%
2 nd Six Weeks…………...……… 25%
3 rd Six Weeks..…………………. 25%
Semester Exam (required)……… 25%
Final Grade 1 st Semester……………………… 50%
2 nd Semester……………………... 50%
Interim/Progress Report
Required every three weeks Daily Grades……………………. 50%
Weekly Tests/Exams…………..... 50%
Please join my Remind 101 on the following link.
Supply List
(2) 70 pg. spiral notebooks or composition NB
1pkg. Mechanical Pencils/pens
1 large glue stick
1 box of kleenex
Hand Sanitizer